My biggest fire so far

My fire department radio sounded the paging tone at about 3:17 AM, waking me from a very deep sleep. It’s never something small when it goes off in the wee hours of the morning, so I stumbled into the bathroom where I keep the radio at night, and picked up my phone, which I charge right beside the radio. We have an app that gives us a printed version of whatever the dispatcher said over the radio, and given that

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Mud Season 2022

It is impossible to understand mud season in northern New England without experiencing it. I’ve traveled what by now must be thousands of miles on dirt roads, but I’ve never experienced anything like mid-March into April in Maine. A road that’s as solid as concrete from May through February becomes oozing, brown porridge as Spring approaches, and stays that way for weeks. Passing over this goo in a vehicle produces ruts deep enough to bury a vehicle up to the

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Why I Quit Social Media

A few days ago, a good friend posted something on a social media platform that I viewed as both inaccurate (not a big deal in itself) but also, more importantly to me at the time, contributing to a larger problem by inappropriately placing the blame for a situation on the wrong party. By doing this, I reasoned, they were inadvertently helping to protect the real guilty party, who was causing a humanitarian crisis in another part of the world. Given

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