I finally found a doctor. It shouldn’t be this hard.

I founded and still lead a company called “Think Patients”. You’d think a person with that background would have a pretty good handle on their healthcare. But it’s been about 6 years since I had a primary care physician despite having no obstacles to that other than an inability to find a decent one, in a practice I liked, and in which I could get an actual appointment for care without having to wait for weeks on end. This says a

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Why I Quit Social Media

A few days ago, a good friend posted something on a social media platform that I viewed as both inaccurate (not a big deal in itself) but also, more importantly to me at the time, contributing to a larger problem by inappropriately placing the blame for a situation on the wrong party. By doing this, I reasoned, they were inadvertently helping to protect the real guilty party, who was causing a humanitarian crisis in another part of the world. Given

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