Oh yeah, I’m sick of snow and winter

It’s March 2, 2023 and we’re getting another round of snow. That’s a picture of the exercise “studio” I built over the summer and fall, from a shed I had built and delivered. At 10′ x 20′, it’s a bit larger than the sauna (8′ x 16′). Both of these buildings have their electricity supplied by the six solar panels on the roof of this building, which drops to zero on a day like today. But the buildings can go

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Mud Season 2022

It is impossible to understand mud season in northern New England without experiencing it. I’ve traveled what by now must be thousands of miles on dirt roads, but I’ve never experienced anything like mid-March into April in Maine. A road that’s as solid as concrete from May through February becomes oozing, brown porridge as Spring approaches, and stays that way for weeks. Passing over this goo in a vehicle produces ruts deep enough to bury a vehicle up to the

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