Ice Crocs – ‘Cause you still gotta get to the Sauna

When I built the sauna a few months ago, I decided to place it right beside the exercise studio, on the opposite side of the dooryard from the house. By the way, for those of you not from New England, a dooryard is the area in front of your house that you drive into and park. You don’t really have those areas in suburbia, where people often just drive up in front of a garage, or if it’s a fancier

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The sauna hot room is done!

I’ve been wanting a sauna – a real, wood-fired, outdoor one, not the infrared type that we had before – for the past year or two. There’s nothing quite like a sauna to take the cold out of your bones, and after experiencing them when I was younger, and then again a few years ago in Europe, the desire was stuck in the back of my mind. My friend Dan seemed to get a great deal of enjoyment out of

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I finally found a doctor. It shouldn’t be this hard.

I founded and still lead a company called “Think Patients”. You’d think a person with that background would have a pretty good handle on their healthcare. But it’s been about 6 years since I had a primary care physician despite having no obstacles to that other than an inability to find a decent one, in a practice I liked, and in which I could get an actual appointment for care without having to wait for weeks on end. This says a

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